... is my new favorite store. Today I bought 5 sweaters, one short sleeved shirt, and a pair of Gap jeans for $27.43. Of the five sweaters one is from J. Crew, one from Old Navy, one is a mohair wool sweater from Italy. I have to say I don't usually have good luck in these stores, but as I walked through the parking lot I asked God to put a special blessing on my time in the store and to help me find things I would know for sure I wanted. Side note: some of you may know I have a hard time purchasing anything without tremendous calculated thought. Also, to be successful at scoring the jackpot like I did, you need to have patience and a good chunk of time to weed through all the goods to get the goodies. Probably why I never had much luck before, lack of patience. Well, it was well worth it. Retail therapy has hit a new high. There will be no buyer's remorse tomorrow!
Here are some more thoughts on the matter.
Here are some more thoughts on the matter.
YAY for Salvation Army!! YAY for Bethany's closet (and pocketbook)!!
I love it too--especially Wednesdays since everything is 1/2 off. Which one did you go to? Endicott or Binghamton? I love coming out with a huge bad of stuff and coming home to carefilly remove the stapled on tags. I immediately wash everything and usually change into one of my finds.
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