Birthdays are still my favorite, though 31 is not quite as exciting as 30. My hubby did great this year, he watched Zane so I could work on the yard uninterrupted (that's what I wanted) while he installed these under cabinet lights above the stove.

We ordered in Chinese, also what I wanted, and he bought me these snazzy slippers.

And best of all he watched Zane while I took a 3 day road trip to Pittsburgh to visit my longest friend and her new baby.
wow! great job Jake...and Bethany for knowing what you wanted. : )
Oh This makes me feel so old! I remember when you were born! - Of course I was just a girl, but I remember at church when they announced your birth and I thought you had such a beautiful name!
Glad you had a happy birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday, Bethany! I like your slippers...they look cozy. Your cake looks yummy too!
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